The Turning Point to Getting Unstuck in Life Begins with this One Thing!

The Turning Point to Getting Unstuck in Life Begins with this One Thing!


It wasn't too long ago (well a few years now but I remember it like it was yesterday) I was curled up in the foetal position (with my dog staring deep into my eyes 'asking what's wrong with my human?') wondering what on earth was I going to do with my life and how the hell did I get to this point where I feel so friggin lost, so stuck and so totally directionless...deep I know!

 (Which is why I created this for you and right now it’s FREE>>)

I had a great job, I was at the top of my area, experienced and respected in my position and all in all living what most would consider a pretty sweet deal.


But underneath it all I was harbouring this dirty little secret that I felt terribly guilty about, I wasn't satisfied, I was longing for something else, I didn't feel like this is what I was 'meant for'. 


I was wishing my life away for weekends...and worse yet it was making me miserable in all areas of my life.


The journey that leads many people to the land of 'stuckville' is varied but the feelings and struggles experienced once there are pretty similar for us all.


The reason we get to this point is because we've veered so far from our true north that we don't even know where we went off track. 


For me, I had read, studied, practiced so much in my corporate career about strategising and problem solving (heck I specialised in the area of business identity), the fact I couldn't troubleshoot my own life issues was gutting to the old self esteem. was in a moment of total surrender (and yes my beloved pooch was still at my vigil) that the epiphany came to me. 


I needed to begin by looking at my life with 'beginners eyes' and get really honest. The first part of getting a handle on the problem is to look at the big picture! 


It's only when we step back that we can sometimes see what is staring us in the face all along. 


You see, as humans we're not actually wired to compartmentalise so this means if we're unhappy in one part of our life, chances are it's flowing into other areas too. 


For example, you might think it's your job that's causing you all the issues but the real issue is the lack of freedom to spend time with loved ones or the ability to adventure more, that is the real source of dissatisfaction. 


Or you might think it's your primary relationship that's not going so well but it's your job that's creating the pressures that you're taking into the relationship that's the problem and vice versa.


Bottom line, you can't solve something if you don't really know what it is your solving or if you're trying to solve the wrong thing!


The very first step that anyone needs to take when they are ready to shift themselves into alignment is to begin with a holistic view of their life and examine all the key area's that influence happiness and fulfilment.


Some people call this a life audit or evaluation and there are various approaches out there but keeping it simple and to the point is without doubt the most effective way to get you moving forward fast. 


Once you can see all the parts at once....hey, hey, hey, bingo! You can spot the issue/s and then you have the awareness and energy to address it!


Check out the FREE masterclass I created to help you with the first critical step to get unstuck and move towards your purpose and desires.


some extra recommended tools to help:



Sending you smooth sailing and joy on the journey xo


Are you ready to take real action and begin discovering your best way forward? Get started today with the  first essential step with my quick start guide to discovery your gifts.


If you know anyone this may help, please forward this on and share it with them! ☺ 



I'm Anna, a loving fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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