Did You Know Your Passions Are Not Your Purpose?

Did you know your passions are not your purpose?

Have you noticed the terms ‘passion’ and ‘purpose’ get bandied around a bucket load these days? 


Which on the one hand is amazing, because people are being truer to themselves and living more fully. 


YES to that! 


On the other hand the adventure of getting there can sometimes be pretty confusing. 

Ready to dive in>> 3 Steps to Find Your Life Purpose <<


The truth is it’s easy to go down a few unnecessary rabbit holes along the way because we get our passions and purpose confused. Or maybe we miss some key factors needed to land in the right neck of the woods! 


It’s not hard to see how they can be mistaken though because they are indeed very closely related, but not the same. 


Understanding the difference is essential if you want to move forward easily and joyfully, because one without the other will fall short of the desired destination. 

Let’s get the differences down pat.


Passions are those things in life that we love to do. You know those things that you can literally lose track of time doing.  

It’s the stuff you choose to spend your time creating, nurturing, learning and helping with. 


Think about how you choose to spend your spare time, what kind of things do you do? 

  • If you read, what kind of books do you read? 

  • If you indulge in conversations what part of the conversation do you enjoy the most?

  • What is it that you find yourself participating in when there’s no pressure to do otherwise?


Tip: The strongest passions consist of the things you’re most curious about, good at and naturally pick up.


Purpose is what brings you deeper meaning, a sense of higher fulfilment and drive.

It’s where your passions serve yourself and others because they contribute in a way that’s meaningful to you’ .


You see, as humans we derive the most satisfaction when we connect with others. Our deepest connections come when we are sharing our ‘passions’ with the people they best help or inspire. 


Think about the biggest challenges in life you’ve overcome and specifically the challenges in the world you personally would most love to see solved, because they’ve touched you on a deeper level for a particular reason. 


Tip: Often the challenge and the people you’re best satisfied to serve are those that have really resonated with you. 


The detour a lot of us make when seeking what we’re ‘meant to do’ is only following our passions without understanding how they fuel something meaningful to us and others. 


So we follow one passion and it’s great for a while but then that dissatisfied niggling creeps back in. Then we think to ourselves “I must have got it wrong”. 


So we pursue another passion…and another…and another … and before we know it, we’re back on the hamster wheel. 


Passions can change and evolve but our purpose will usually remain central to our being because it’s that one thing you are called to do…or change, teach, heal, inspire, learn, share, make, help, create…you get the idea right ☺ 


Passions are how we fuel our purpose.

The way the equation comes together is constantly evolving. It’s what makes it so exciting. But the drive behind it will remain a constant theme and it's within that, your purpose remains steadfast.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.
— Pablo Picasso

check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose





I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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