The Formula for Finding Your Sense of Fulfilment

What is the formula for finding your sense of fulfilment?


I found myself stewing over this one multiple times over the years before I worked it out. 


In fact, it started from school, when at the ripe old age of fifteen it was expected that I choose the subjects that would dictate what university degree (already assuming I would go) I would do and therefore what career I would pursue for the rest of my life. Talk about pressure!


Learn the easy way here>> 3 Simple Steps to Find Your Life Purpose<<

Of course I took on the expectations of those nearest and dearest, coupled with what I thought made logical sense and then just went with the flow as best I could. 


BUT you know the saying, 'only dead fish go with the flow' , well not quite as final as that (fortunately).  But I did feel a bit numb inside, I was never truly satisfied, I had moments where it was all okay, but okay doesn't really cut it, does it? 


I mean seriously, we aren't here to just live 'okay' lives, we're here to thrive and joyfully evolve into the awesome, unique, wondrous beings we are. Otherwise, what's the darn point? 


So, I was convinced that there was indeed a way for those of us who didn't know from a young age these answers and that I was going to get to the bottom of it.


Now don't get me wrong our sense of fulfilment doesn't necessarily come from our work but it does come from our 'doing'. So if what you're doing doesn't really resonate for you then you're going to feel it.


BUT what if you have no idea what you want to do, or what you're good at or what holds real meaning for you? 


Where on earth do you start?


Well I've come from no clue at all to clear, empowered and frankly transformed to a completely different space. So listen up if you're ready to shift gears too.


It begins with simple steps to discover what's deep within and there is a formula at the heart of it that you can follow and it can set you free. 


Ready for it?


Doing what holds the most 'curiosity' for you




Something that is personally meaningful to you




Expressing it with your unique personality





Answering these questions starts with a lot of 'whys', you have to understand why you're drawn to what you're drawn to, why you admire what you admire, why you want what you want...and more.


If you look at what led you to where you're right now, is it because of external reasons or because it came from your 'whys'?


Journalling and meditating is a great way to begin digging into these thoughts and getting clarity on the answers you seek.


If you need a guiding hand and you're ready to take serious action towards your fulfilment, then you'll love the FREE Masterclass to Find Your Life Purpose in 3 Steps.


No more 'okay' living, time to live your amazing purpose!

check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose




If you know anyone this may help, please forward this on and share it with them! ☺ 



I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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