Learn The Formula to Make Any Change You Want In Life

LEARN The Formula to Make Any Change YOU WANT in Life


Do you think life is easy or complicated?

If you answered with the latter then this one is especially for you!

Life isn't actually that complicated when it really comes down to it (yes I know there are exceptions to the rule but speaking generally).

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The reason it gets so frustrating and off track is because of the stories we keep telling ourselves.

In fact, humans are innately wired to grow, expand and essentially THRIVE.

Aside from our personal purpose, everyone's fundamental purpose is to live their deepest dreams.

The desires you personally have are not there by coincidence, they're there to pull you forward, to keep you growing and to push you into your thriving state!

We get stuck, frustrated and unfulfilled when we're in a place that isn't aligned with our 'thriving state'. And those feelings are the sign posts to DO something about it.

From the time we're conceived, we're growing, first physically but then mentally, emotionally and consciously until we finally leave this earth.

It goes something like this:


So why isn't it that easy?

Because of the way we're conditioned i.e. mental limitations.

From a young age, the society collectives we typically grow up in (and of course our parents and their parents grow up within too!) are communicating and demonstrating to us limitations, when in fact we have infinite possibilities available to us, through our ability to think and therefore attract (that's a whole other topic you might enjoy learning about here).

Now irrespective of our past we all have the power within us to change our circumstances.

 And there's a simple formula for ALL change.


That means that our desire to realise our purpose and live it successfully and abundantly is stronger than our resistance. And as I touched on in previous emails, resistance, typically comes in the forms of:

I don't have time

I can't afford it

I failed in the past

I'm not sure

I'm not good enough, etc...

While ever those thoughts of resistance are stronger than your desire to change, change will always remain a distant dream, never fully realised.

Let's do a QUICK exercise of crystallisation that will show you EXACTLY what's standing in your way of your DESIRES. Are you keen to try it out?

Write down your top 3 current dreams:




Done? Sweet!

Now for each dream, write down what the reasons are that pop straight into your head that are stopping you from realising those dreams right now! (don't overthink it)




You now have in front of you your limiting beliefs holding you back.

I know they seem very real but what would happen if you told yourself a different story i.e an empowering belief that counter- acted each one? Try it now, write the opposite belief for each one.




Got it?!

Now you have the new beliefs and 'the place' you have to start operating from to make each and every single one of your dreams possible.

They are the only things stopping you. You'll be surprised when you decide to take action how, all of a sudden:

The time appears

The money appears

The people stop being a blockage

The self worth increases

Clarity and certainty arrive

Opportunities appear and so on...

It's often way more simple than we tell ourselves but sometimes we just need to write it out in black and white to see it staring back at us.

Discover Your Life Purpose in 3 Simple Steps here

I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below!

Love xo


check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose



If you know anyone this may help, please forward this on and share it with them! ☺ 



I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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