3 Most Effective Techniques I've used to Manifest on Purpose

3 Most Effective Techniques I've Used to Manifest on Purpose


Today I'm going to share with you three of the best techniques I've used to harness the law of attraction in my life and manifest my goals on purpose.


What if I told you that everyone has the ability to create the life of their dreams and there’s no exception?


Sounds like a bold claim doesn’t it?! But the fact of the matter is it’s true.

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There are lots of laws that we live within and accept as truth even though we can’t obviously see them, such as the law of gravity or electricity, yet we fly in planes, we flick a light switch on and in all cases accept them for what they are, every day with no issue.


The Law of Attraction isn’t any different, it’s part of the fabric of our existence and the mechanics upon which we experience life.


When we understand how it really works and begin to consciously collaborate with the principles that support manifesting, we’re able to direct the reality of our lives more easily. Cool huh?


It sounds like the world’s best kept secret (probably why the movie The Secret was so aptly named) but really it’s simply the progress of our evolution. Once upon a time we didn’t realise the world was round and now we know it to be fact and with that knowledge we can easily navigate the world, among many other things.


The same goes for the laws of manifesting, we’re now discovering the true nature of how we attract and create our reality. It’s just that it’s still a new concept to most (in ratio to population that is). Meaning we’re not brought up yet to understand these universal laws despite them being fact. Because we are all manifesting our lives at every moment of everyday, we’re just not conscious of it, rather it’s on default.


If you’re drawn to the concept of Law of Attraction, it’s highly likely you’re at a point in your own evolution where you’re seeking more empowerment and ready to realise the truth of how this aspect of life operates too.


I feel super passionate about this area of personal development because its brought a huge amount of joy into my own life.


There are three techniques that really helped me harness the essence of manifesting that I’m about to share with you.


Before I jump in, if you’re completely new to the concept of manifesting or Law of Attraction, here’s the short version:


Everything in the universe at a sub atomic level is energy, molecules vibrating at different frequencies. This is not theory, it’s science. If you were to put a human body under a giant microscope, it will show we’re energy in its purest form.


Like energy attracts like energy (also science) i.e. energy vibrating at the same frequency will attract energy vibrating at the same frequency, just like a magnet.


Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions vibrate at different energetic frequencies (determined by what they are), so if you tune into the vibration of the experience you desire you will attract that experience or the circumstances to bring that experience into reality.


For example, if you want greater financial prosperity and for you that means FEELing free and abundant, you tune into that energy by FEELing that in your existence now, and then moving in the direction that presents itself thereafter.


Okay, that’s the simple version but there’s a ton more in-depth explanations out there you can find at the forefront of a google search. For now, let’s get into the three most effective tools in my manifesting journey.


I used these three techniques to specifically create more travel overseas in my life i.e. seven different trips to beautiful locations all around the world in 18 months...and one more soon to come!


Once you completely understand the science behind transformation, you can implement the tools you need to create the life you want easily.


3 Powerful Ways to Manifest Your Life on Purpose:


1. Play Make Believe:

Remember when you were a little kid and you use to drift off into imaginary land and pretend to be whatever you wanted to be? Maybe it was a ballerina, you’d imagine yourself in your pretty pink tutu and dance around, seeing yourself performing for audiences, listening to the beautiful classical music and telling everyone what a wonderful ballerina you were….


Apply the same principles to what you wish to experience in your life now! It might feel weird at first but what have you got to lose and if it’s fun and you feel good, why not?


Start playing make believe regularly and BE that person who already has what you wish to experience. Have fun with it, really get into the detail and FEEL how wonderful it would be to already have your dreams in reality.


2. Morning and Night Visualise:

Energy vibrates and gains momentum so the way you start the day and the way you end the day influences the trajectory of your energy. You know the saying, ‘got out of the wrong side of the bed’? Wake up in a bad mood and everything seems to keep going that way - well that's the principle at work.


Spend a few minutes each morning really visualising in vivid richness what you want to experience, connect with the feeling of it by exploring all the detail of your best outcome, having already happened.


When you intentionally set your vibration to be in alignment with your desires as soon as you wake i.e. while still laying in bed you’re also influencing how the rest of your day will play out. It’s the same when you go to bed, it’s another opportunity to solidify and reconnect to that vibration you’re after, because when you sleep your momentum actually slows down and picks up again from the spot you went to sleep.


3. Let it Go: 

Last but not least and sometimes the hardest, you want to treat your deliberate manifesting with fun and lightness, and acknowledge that you’re CO-creating your desires with the energetic fabric of the universe.


You’re one part i.e. one energy attracting another energy, so you have to give up control and not get focused on the ‘wanting’ of what you want or you’ll stop it in it’s track from coming to you.


If you want to experiment to begin with, I suggest picking something that you think would be really cool to experience but that is not ‘an issue’ for you if it doesn’t happen. Apply the techniques above and happily let it go, ready to see how the universe will deliver it back.


Now on top of these three techniques, you always should be taking action when the opportunities or guidance arise, no questions about it! You're CO-creating with the universe which means you have to take action too.


With those three life lifting techniques in your hands you're ready to start manifesting your life on purpose but remember consistency is also key. Energy gains momentum, so you can’t just do it here and there, you have to get in alignment every single day.


Now, it's time to have fun with it and expect your dreams to come true!

Get unstuck and begin discovering your best way forward:  3 essential steps to begin finding your passions and purpose!


check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose



If you know anyone this may help, please forward this on and share it with them! ☺ 



I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

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