5 Questions To Help You Find Your Best Life Path



She said to me...'I don' know, I just feel so bloody lost'.


This was the text message a dear friend sent to me a few years back. She was talking about life but mainly it was spurred on by her job and the work that she was doing at the time. 


The job she was in left her feeling drained and unsatisfied. But it was what she knew, familiar and safe, she'd worked in that field for years.


3 Simple Steps to Discover Your Life Purpose>>

While she knew it wasn't nourishing her soul, she didn't know what was right for her or how to even go about finding her best path.


The western world is geared to define us by what 'we do' for a living, it's ironic really, the very phrase, 'what do you do for a living?' is loaded with so much pressure. It literally says 'your living' comes from 'what you do'. 


And, when you take into account the fact that most of us spend over a third of our life in our jobs, it's alot of time to be doing something you don't find fulfilling or worse yet, something you hate doing...that equates to a helluva alot of living that is far less than ideal.


The process of finding our path in life doesn't actually have to be a struggle and we live in an age where there are so many resources that specialise in the area of 'pathfinding' that can help us. 


In my experience, the quickest road to realising our path is found in the balance of mind (the analytical) and soul (the intuitive) methods.


It comes from going deep within and paying close attention.  But today I want to share with you a mind method, that includes just five of the most powerful questions that can help you begin finding your life's calling.


I recommend journaling these out, as the process of putting pen to paper is far more rich than typing on screen and it increases our ability to see our patterns. 


1. When in your life did you feel most passionate about something? (exclude universal life moments e.g. wedding day, birth of child etc)


2. When in life did you feel most aligned, in flow or lose track of time in the doing of something?


3. When are the times you've experienced the most meaning?


4. What are you consistently drawn to? What about them pulls you in?


5. If you had all the money you ever needed and you've exhausted yourself with all the fun, relaxation and luxuries you possibly could... and are now bored, what would you choose to do with your time?


I also suggest you share your answers with a trusted friend or family member who can help you see your patterns. We often find it difficult to see the trends that are sometimes staring us in the face.


Your clues are found in the commonalities.


Hunt for the similar themes emerging in your answers - they are the gold breadcrumbs for you to begin following.


If you'd like to go deeper join the FREE 3 Essentials to begin Finding Your Purpose & Power.


check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose



How to change career or life direction when you don't know where to start. Click here to find out how to find your best career or life path and awaken to your passions and purpose OR pin for later
How to change career or life direction when you have no idea what to do. Click to find out how awaken to your passions and purpose OR pin it for later!
How to change career or life direction when you don't know where to start. Click here to find out how to find your best career or life path and awaken to your passions and purpose OR pin for later


I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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