8 Hugely Important things to Remember When You're Feeling Lost or Stuck in Life!

8 Hugely Important things to Remember When You're Feeling Lost or Stuck in Life!


It's estimated that over 80% of the population do not feel fulfilled and happy in their current livelihoods (Gallup research). Which when you take into account that most people spend over a third of their time at their jobs that's quite alarming!


It's no wonder many of us get to a point where we are damn lost or just stuck in a plain old rut!

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I had a new tribe member reach out to me to say:


I feel like a zombie, just stuck on a treadmill and while I know this job is not for me, I've got bills to pay and I have no idea where to even start working out what I want to do with my life.

I've done those careers tests online and honestly, nothing really feels like that's quite me. I have fleeting moments of things I think would be cool but I don't know how you could actually make a living out of it.


This is not an unusual place to find ourselves, this is the exact same place I was  a few years ago and when I reflect on that time and all that I've learnt since, there are some hugely important things to remember when you're experiencing this juncture in life. 


And these relate to not only work, but love, relationships and life in general for that matter. Here are eight tips to help you through:


1. You're where you are right now for a real reason. 

You don't feel the sense of dissatisfaction and yearning for more because you're spoilt or flawed in anyway. 


The feeling for more is the Universe guiding you to discover your passions, purpose and inner power, so that you can experience and share the awesomeness you have within. 


As difficult as it can be, it's actually the preface for really exciting and positive change on the horizon, if you choose to do something about it. 


Remember, we crack so the light can get in.


2. We are always evolving, even when we think we're stuck and going no where. 

Everything that has happened up until this point is preparing you for what is to come, lean hard within and embrace the lessons that are unfolding. 


No one is the same person that they were ten years ago, five years ago, one year ago or even last week. Each day you wake up you have new perspectives, interactions and experiences that grow you into an even more amazing human.


3. Just like the law of gravity, the law of rhythm tells us that what goes down must come up and vice versa. So when things are crappy, hold on and prepare because things will come back up, they have to. 


And vice versa, even when things are awesome, there will be moments when things will challenge you and seem downright crappy. You'll still have doubts and wonder if you're on the right rack. 


It doesn't mean you're back to square one, it's human nature to question and the old ego just goes into overdrive sometime. Just breathe, this too shall pass.


4. Prepare yourself for your dreams to come true, because you have the dreams that you personally have because they're meant to come to fruition. 

Stay in a state of readiness by finding the beauty, joy and wonder in the little everyday moments - even the boring mundane stuff. 


When you enjoy these little things you bring on the bigger joys much quicker. Again, it's a universal law, like attracts like, so if your energy is high vibing you'll inevitably bring in more of the high vibing goodness to you, while enjoying the ride.


5. You don't have to quit your day job and risk it all to do what you love.

You do however have to start acting and nurturing your soul with that which makes your heart sing. 


This means little by little, bring your interests and passions into your life now. Whether it's finding a way to somehow integrate it into your existing job, starting a side project or business, volunteering or whatever it is that relates. 


Take your power back and bit by bit, realise you are empowered to create your life on purpose and do what you love.


You don't have to know where the whole staircase will take you, just take the first step.


6. If money is stopping you from taking the leap you want or to work less, then address your mindset.

Thoroughly explore your financial situation, get really familiar with every little aspect and see what you can do. 


It's alway surprising how people realise that they can make things work in different ways and attract more in other ways when they actually face those limiting beliefs head on and get determined to find ways that can work. 


Dig in, evaluate, plan and shift your energy with money, this will pay you back dividends for the rest of your life. 


7. Take the time to get in touch with what feels good and what doesn't feel good. 

This is your most basic and fundamental compass to guide you when you have no idea what to do. Simply write down a list of 15 things that feel good for you and 15 that feel bad. 


Start grounding yourself daily with those things that feel good and make them non-negotiable.


Life is for living now.


8. Ditch the idea of finding your 'genius zone'.

Instead chase your curiosity zone, and what I mean by this is to follow those things that pique your interest or that you'd want to learn more about if you had a free Sunday afternoon to surf the net, it's the books and magazines you're drawn to and so on - none of those things are random. 


They all lead you to your unique passions and gifts.


Follow your curiosity, and nurture it, in time it will lead you to your genius zone.


Love xo


check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose




I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

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