How I Found My Life Purpose (And How You Can Too)

How I Found My Life Purpose (And How You Can Too)!

I hope this finds you well and happy, wherever you are in this beautiful and complicated world. Today, I want to share with you something very personal and important to me: how I found my life purpose, and how you can too.

You see, for a long time, I didn’t know what my life purpose was. I had a successful career as a marketer, but I felt empty and restless inside.

I was miserable, and I didn’t know why.

Want to know the 3 Key Steps to Discover Your Life Purpose >>

So I did what any sane person would do: I had a melt down and quit life for a while, took a step back, did some travelling (a bit Eat, Pray, Love style). And along the way, I discovered something amazing: my life purpose.

My life purpose, as it turned out, was to be myself. To follow my curiosity, to express my creativity, to connect with my spirituality, to love with my whole heart. To live with passion, joy, meaning, and impact. To be a seeker and a finder, a student and a teacher, a lover and a friend.

And guess what? That’s your life purpose too.

Yes, you heard me right. Your life purpose is to be yourself. The most authentic, honest, original version of yourself that you can be. The one that makes you feel alive and energized. The one that makes you feel fulfilled and happy. The one that makes you feel like you.

But how do you find that version of yourself? How do you uncover the treasures that are hidden within you? How do you bring forth the gifts that only you can offer to the world?

Well, my friends, that’s what this blog post is all about. I’m going to share with you some tips that helped me find my life purpose, and that can help you find yours too. These tips are not rules or formulas or prescriptions. They are simply suggestions, based on my own experience and wisdom. Take what resonates with you, leave what doesn’t, and add your own flavor to it.

Ready? Let’s begin.

  1. Reflect on your passions and strengths. What are the things that you love to do, that make you feel alive and energized? What are the things that you are good at, that you have a natural talent or skill for? These are clues to your life purpose, as they indicate what you are meant to do and contribute to the world. Write down a list of your passions and strengths, and see if there are any common themes or patterns that emerge.

For me, some of the things that I love to do and am good at are traveling, learning, teaching, strategising, inspiring, and connecting the dots for people. These are the things that make me feel like myself, that make me feel happy and fulfilled. These are the things that I try to incorporate into my life as much as possible.

  1. Explore different possibilities. Sometimes, finding your life purpose requires trying out different things, and seeing what resonates with you. You can do this by taking courses, reading books, watching videos, attending workshops, volunteering, traveling, or joining communities that interest you. Be open-minded and curious, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You never know what you might discover about yourself and the world.

  1. Ask for feedback. Another way to find your life purpose is to ask for feedback from others who know you well, such as your family, friends, mentors, or colleagues. Ask them what they think you are good at, what they admire about you, what they think you should pursue, or what impact you have on them. You might be surprised by what they say, and how it can help you gain more clarity and confidence about your life purpose.

For instance, when I was in New Orleans, I met a wise intuitive woman. She told me something that changed me: “You see patterns and potential where others can’t. That is your gift. That is your dharma. That is your way of serving the world.” She encouraged me to share about my experiences with others. She helped me realize that connecting the dots for others was not only my passion, but also my purpose.

  1. Create a vision. Once you have some ideas about your life purpose, it’s time to create a vision for it. A vision is a clear and compelling picture of what you want to achieve or create in the future. It should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, your vision could be: “By the end of 2023, I want to publish my memoir about my year-long journey around the world, and inspire millions of people to find their own life purpose.”

For me, creating a vision was crucial for finding my life purpose. It gave me a direction, a goal, and a motivation. It helped me focus on what mattered most to me, and what I wanted to accomplish. It also helped me overcome the challenges and obstacles that I faced along the way.

  1. Take action. The final step to finding your life purpose is to take action towards it. This means setting goals, making plans, taking risks, overcoming challenges, learning from mistakes, celebrating successes, and adjusting as needed. It also means being persistent and consistent in pursuing your vision, even when things get tough or uncertain. Remember that finding your life purpose is not a one-time event, but a lifelong process that requires constant growth and evolution.

For me, taking action was the most rewarding and fulfilling part of finding my life purpose. It was also the most scary and difficult part. But I did it anyway. I created my signature course, I poured my energy into creating the formulat to help people find their life’s purpose and live their most authentic and fulfiling version of self. And I’m still doing it. I’m still sharing my experiences and connecting with people. I’m still living my life purpose.

And you can too.

Finding your life purpose can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences in life. It can help you live with more passion, joy, meaning, and impact. It can also help you overcome feelings of unfulfillment, stuckness, or loss.

So don’t wait any longer. Start today by following these tips, and discover your life purpose.

And remember: your life purpose is to be yourself.

The most authentic, honest, original version of yourself that you can be.

The one that makes you feel alive and energized.

The one that makes you feel fulfilled and happy.

The one that makes you feel like you.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you want more tips on how to find your life purpose and feel fulfilled, check out this free guide that I created for you.

And if you want to jump straight in, check out my FREE Masterclass >>

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for being here.

Thank you for being you. 

Love xo


check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose




I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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