How to Change Career (or LIFE) Direction When You Have No Idea Where to Start!



Two years ago I was sitting at my desk at my 'trendy' agency job I'd worked most of my life to get to. I had a leadership gig, good clients and worked in an environment many people would envy, heck my desk even had a water view! 


But instead of feeling accomplished, happy and fulfilled, I felt totally empty, in fact worse than empty, I felt lost and hopeless. I wanted to just fly out the window over that water and never look back.

Get unstuck now >> 3 Steps to Find Your Life Purpose<<


I was STUCK in a RUT, like the biggest rut ever, in fact I'd probably been in this rut for years if I really cared to admit it. The career I'd invested so much in, left me feeling frustrated and anxious most days, mainly because I felt the strain of continuing to do something that felt so meaningless. It was literally sucking the life from me.

I'm an 'action taking' kinda gal so it wasn't laziness or procrastination holding me in 'Stuckville', and I could even accept leaving the career I'd worked so hard for behind. 


The biggest FEAR was the fact I had no freakin clue on what I really wanted to do! Geezus, what was I 'meant for'  I would think to myself? Surely there's something more to this whole life thing than bills and death (dramatic much). 


I mean I had little fleeting ideas from time to time but nothing 'real', nothing that felt 'right', nothing that had spark behind it. I did all the career tests and self profiles out there that you can possibly google. I trawled job sites, went to life coaches and counsellors, and still came up short.


BUT then, I decided to use some of my trusty strategy skills I'd managed to accrue and look back at all the bits and pieces I'd explored about myself. I started pulling out certain parts and piecing the puzzle together.


Guess what happened?




(actually several of them)

You see there's a weird thing that can occur when you've done a shit tonne (I'm claiming this as a new form of measurement) of self discovery* ready for it?




You start to see distinct themes, reoccurrences and trends's kind of freaky!  Because it isn't until you do enough of this (in the right areas!) that you actually can see the patterns begin to take shape. 


Once you see these reoccurrences you can then start to not only join the dots but you can set your brain to task in the right direction...and once you do, it will astonish you. 


Because our brains are wired to detect patterns and similarities, it gets a little pulse or endorphin rush when it finds them, like being given a reward 'good dog, you sniffed it out'. Remember when you were a kid playing Spotto in the car, you'd tell yourself to look for red cars and then my god, red cars are taking over the world!

It's exactly the same when we begin detecting our themes and set our brain to a job, not only will it continue to find 'your reoccurrences', but it can then begin to play with them. Your themes will set the direction and then your thoughts will build on it.


You'll begin to come up with ideas of how you can combine and intertwine your themes to develop great ideas and solutions for your best way forward. 


MAGIC happens. An awakening to your passions and purpose is stirred.


Energy and momentum begin to form and you are then able to explore the direction that you're 'meant to' begin living - the fulfilling source for YOU.


This is how passion and purpose is formed.


If you're feeling stuck in a rut or a bit lost with life direction, career change or the like, than grab the

FREE quick start to FINDING YOUR Passions!


It's a game-changer if you're open and willing.


How to change direction when you have no idea where to start:

Quick start guide to discovering your passions.

 *In the right areas (you have to look in the right places)


check out these other awesome tools to help you find your passions & Purpose





If you know anyone this may help, please forward this on and share it with them! ☺ 

How to change career or life direction when you don't know where to start. Click here to find out how to find your best career or life path and awaken to your passions and purpose OR pin for later
How to change career or life direction when you have no idea what to do. Click to find out how awaken to your passions and purpose OR pin it for later!
How to change career or life direction when you don't know where to start. Click here to find out how to find your best career or life path and awaken to your passions and purpose OR pin for later


I'm Anna, a doting fur mama, believer in the Universe and dot connector. 

It's my privilege to empower people to rise to the occasion of their lives, by doing what they love with purpose - so they may live an even more meaningful, fulfilling and joyful life.

Learn more >>

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